Category Archives: Tradition and Art – Ceramic

  • A tribute to Chef Salvatore Cascino aged 83 (2010)

    Posted on 20 Dicembre, 2012 by SicilianFoodlovers in Tradition and Art - Ceramic.

    It was the year 2010 when Antonio attended the cooking school of Chef Salvatore Cascino and it was one out of the best experience in his live – talking about kitchen, of course. Chef Salvatore cascino is the depositary of the traditional Sicilian cooking school. A tribute to him in the best way Antonio can […]

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  • The Trinacria

    Posted on 27 Novembre, 2012 by SicilianFoodlovers in Tradition and Art - Ceramic.

    Sicily was originally named Trinacria “the land with three points”, due to its triangular shape. This is the way the Italian poet Dante Alighieri refers to Sicily in his famous “The Divine Comedy” (Paradise. VIII, 67‐68): “And beautiful Trinacria, shrouded, from Pachino to Paloro, on the edge of the gulf”  Nowadays the Trinacria is the official […]

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  • The reproduction of the antique ceramic floor

    Posted on 17 Giugno, 2012 by SicilianFoodlovers in Tradition and Art - Ceramic.

    In the 13th century, no self-respecting Abbey, Monastery or Royal Palace would have been without its tiled floors. By the 16th century, the fashion for inlaid tiles had passed but in the early years of the 18th century, architects began to look to the past for inspiration and came across examples of the old medieval tiles. […]

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